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Rule Engine Pattern

29 Jan 2020

Before delving into what the pattern is, it is important to know where the inspiration is drawn from - Unix Rule of Separation.


Quite often in write operations, we need to satisfy a set of requirements before data persistence. Or, we have a set of preliminary requirements to be met before servicing users. Or maybe validate some data against a set of validation rules.

In a contrived example below, we need to check the conditions of the zoo and report on each species wellbeing.

To implement, naturally we think in if statement.

public class ZooChecker
    public string Check(Zoo zoo)
        var checks = new List<string>

        var failed = checks.FirstOrDefault(
                x => x != "Ok"

        return failed ?? "Ok";

    public string ValidateCats(List<Cat> cats)
        if (cats.Food < 5)
            return "Not enough food";

        if (cats.Water < 10)
            return "Not enough water";

        if (cats.Shelter.Capacity < cats.Members.Count)
            return "Too many cats";

        var healthReport = "";

        foreach (var cat in cats.Members)
            if (cat.Health.Rating < 5)
                healthReport += cat.name + cat.Health.Condition;

        return healthReport == "" ? healthReport : ""

    public string ValidateDolphins()
        // Do dolphins specific checks.

    public string ValidateFrogs()
        // Do frogs specific checks.

There are several issues with this approach:

  1. Drown in a sea of if statements.

    In production code, I have seen a single validation class has a train of if-else statements last for hundreds line of code, some that have 7 or 8 conditions in a single if statement. I must say whoever reads it must be half human half compiler.

    Well, this is not a problem if:

         if (this code is written only once and never be changed again ||
             ((the developer wrote it can make changes fairly quick && never leaves the company || next developer can make changes fairly quick && never leaves the company) && has tests cover && easy to write new tests))
             return "Not a problem";
             return "Houston, we have a problem";
  2. Ad-hoc priority management.

    Say we care more about the health conditions of animals more than shelter capacity so we want to return the health validation report first, for that to happen, we have to fiddle around the if statements copy and paste block of code does health check up to the top.

    This lack of priority management opens up the possibility of errors. Even worse when sections of the if-else blocks interlinked or share state.

  3. Lack of state management.

    There is no easy way to share state or to export the side effect after validations have run.

    In programming, what we do in essence, is read or mutate state and the logic to do so. So state is pretty important. The side effect of one validation unit might become the input state of subsequent or other validation units. For example, we have validation for scavenger fish which input state is depending of other species output state.

  4. Lack of variety of logical operations.

    There is no declarative and incremental way to specify how do we want validation units to be run. We may want to run till we hit the first fails. We may want to run all the validation units does not matter they fail or not. We may even what our units to run in async manner.

    As need arises, we may need more different executions.

The componentry of an engine

Let’s see the rule engine then we demonstrate how to use it.

There are many ways to write an engine and this is one of them. You may extend the concept by adding async or parallel runner etc.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Barin.RuleEngine.NonAsyncEngine
    public abstract class Rule<T>
        public int Priority { get; set; }
        public abstract bool IsValid(T ctx);

	public enum Priority

    public abstract class RuleEngine<T>
        public T Ctx { get; set; }

        public Priority Priority { get; set; }

        public IEnumerable<Rule<T>> Rules { get; set; }

        public virtual string FirstFails(string valid = "Ok")
			var rules = Priority == Priority.Ascending ?
				Rules.OrderBy(x => x.Priority) :
				Rules.OrderByDescending(x => x.Priority);

			var failedRule = rules.FirstOrDefault(r =>
                r.IsValid(Ctx) == false);

            return failedRule == null ? valid : nameof(failedRule);

        public virtual IDictionary<string, string> All(string valid = "Ok")
			return rules
                .Where(r => r.IsValid(Ctx) == false)
                .Select(r => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(
                    r.ReasonIfFails, nameof(r)
                .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

This demo engine has two configurations: hits the first failed rule then short-circuit; and runs all rules returns a dictionary contains any rules that failed.

Let’s look at the rules and rule collection.

CatRules collection inherits from RuleEngine. In rule collection’s constructor, it takes in its context and list out all the rules we want the engine to run. And by given a numeric number as priority when each rule is initiated.

Each rule is a single class that inherits from Rule<T> and should only test against a single business rule. Name the rule class carefully as its name will be returned if it fails.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Barin.RuleEngine.Util;

namespace Barin.RuleEngine.NonAsyncRules
    public class CatRuleCtx
        public Guid Id { get; set; }
        public Guid OwnerId { get; set; }
        public List<Owner> Owners { get; set; }

    public class CatRules : RuleEngine<CatRuleCtx>
        public CatRules(CatRuleCtx ctx)
            Ctx = ctx;

            Rules = new List<Rule<CatRuleCtx>> {
                new MustHaveAnOwnerRule(1),
                new MustLoveCatRule(3),
                new CurrentOwnersMustOver16YearsOld(2),

    public class MustHaveAtLeastOneCurrentOwnerRule : Rule<CatRuleCtx>
        public MustHaveAtLeastOneCurrentOwnerRule(int priority)
            Priority = priority;

        public override bool IsValid(CatRuleCtx ctx)
            var currentOwners = ctx.Owners.FirstOrDefault(
                x => x.IsCurrent

            return currentOwners != null;

    public class MustLoveCatRule : Rule<CatRuleCtx>
        public MustLoveCatRule(int priority)
            Priority = priority;

        public override bool IsValid(CatRuleCtx ctx)
            var areTheyAllLoveCats = ctx.Owners
                .Where(x => x.IsCurrent)
                    x => x.Attitude == "has a cats loving heart"

            return areTheyAllLoveCats;

    public class CurrentOwnersMustOver16YearsOld : Rule<CatRuleCtx>
        public CurrentOwnersMustOver16YearsOld(int priority)
            Priority = priority;

        public override bool IsValid(CatRuleCtx ctx)
            var allOver16 = ctx.Owners
                .Where(x => x.IsCurrent)
                    x => Moment.IsOver(16, x.Dob)

            return allOver16;

With this approach, each business requirement is a single Rule class we won’t have trouble to tell if we have implemented all the required rules. And as business requirement changes, a rule can be changed or removed without breaking other rules. New rules can be added in at will with confidence old rules will still work as it is. It demonstrates the effect of Open and Close principle.


var ctx = new CatRuleCtx();
var catRules = new CatRules(ctx);
var result = catRules.FirstFails();

result == "Ok" ?
    Console.WriteLine("Ok") :
    Console.WriteLine("Name of failed rule: " + result)

Closing note

There are certain types of Engine that might be more suitable for rules that have inter dependency. For example a Pipe Engine, which by its nature, suggests Rule A’s side effect will become Rule B’s input state. It really depends on the business requirement. If the problem of the business domain is inherently a sequential workflow, then trying to make each workflow steps superficially unrelated only makes our solution convoluted and unreasonable.